So my health kick is still going strong! I've been exercising and eating healthily, apart from the small treat here and there. I've read countless blog posts and articles that advise you to do this as knowing you only have to wait however many days until you get your next treat will encourage you to maintain your healthy diet until that time. So far, it seems to be working for me! However, I am not too concerned about my weight as I have always been one of those people who can eat whatever they want and remain slim. My motivation for healthy eating is to make myself feel healthier, stronger and brighter. Therefore, I probably treat myself more often than most but the majority of my diet is far better than it has been in a long time so I am more than happy.
Today, I can finally call myself the proud owner of one of these beauties!
I have longed for a Breville Blend Active smoothie maker for months now, ever since they started popping up all over the place on YouTube and Bloglovin'. So I finally decided to bite the bullet, tick it off of my Amazon wishlist and order one for myself. I am a massive lover of smoothies so this product is perfect for me. I intend to use it on a daily basis once I return to university as I often struggle to eat breakfast in the morning, meaning I find myself in a silent lecture later on with everyone staring at me while my stomach decides to imitate an erupting volcano. However, I think I will easily manage to get a good, nutritious smoothie down each day, keeping my stomach satisfied until I can manage a full meal.

The blender itself is unbelievably easy to use. It comes with full instructions but they aren't really necessary if you understand the concept of a blender and have a little common sense. For such a small appliance, it is incredibly powerful, turning hard frozen fruit to a smooth drink in a matter of seconds. Best of all, it comes with two bottles so, of course, my boyfriend has already called dibs on the second one for his own use. The bottles are also extremely impressive, they are well made and can be counted on not to open unexpectedly and pour smoothie all over your favourite bag.
After yearning for this product for such a long time, I worried that it would not live up to my expectations. But I can safely say I am more than happy with it and would recommend it to anyone in a second!