For my first blog post in...let's just say 'a while', I thought I'd write about something very close to my heart - Lush Cosmetics. I've always loved Lush and their gorgeous products, I mean who can genuinely walk past a Lush store without being enticed inside by the magical aroma drifting out? However, since I became vegan, this company has become even more important to me. As a vegan, I only use products that are cruelty-free (i.e. not tested on animals) as I believe that in the twenty-first century we should have evolved as a species enough to realise that poisoning, starving, blinding, paralysing, mutilating (the list goes on) innocent animals so that we can 'look good' is very far (to put it mildly) from, what I would define as, 'humane'. Therefore, I am always looking for new companies that promote the cruelty-free message but, so far, Lush remains my staple brand when it comes to toiletries.
Today, I'm offering you a product review of my most recent purchase from Lush: the 'Love Lettuce' face mask.
You should probably know that I've struggled with acne my entire teenage life and since becoming vegan a year ago, my skin has cleared up more than ever before - yet another (perhaps more superficial) reason for you to make the transition! So I decided to add a face mask to my weekly skin routine and began browsing the Lush website for one that suited my skin type. Since I have oily/combination skin, this appeared to be the mask for me as it boasted French lavender to "balance the skin's sebum production" and "gently exfoliating almond shells" to get rid of the layer of dead skin occupying my face.
I've now used this face mask a good few times and I can honestly say that it is the best one I have ever tried. You can see from the picture to the right that, despite my frequent use of the product, the tub still holds a good amount. This could be due to the fact that I use a lot less than I have seen other people use - many tend to spread it on very thick but I find that it works just as well with a thinner layer. I will continue to use this product until the tub is empty and am extremely likely to purchase it again immediately. I simply cannot fault it. 'Love Lettuce' smells absolutely incredible, each time I smooth it onto my face and sleepwalk through to my bedroom to allow it to set for 10 or 15 minutes, I begin to drift off as the calming smell of lavender fills my head. After this episode of relaxation, I wash off the product with warm water and, as I do so, I can feel the almond shells gently exfoliating my skin, leaving it baby-smooth when dry. This is one of the first products I've tried that genuinely does even my skin tone and calm my blemishes, rather than aggravate them.
If you're in the market for a good face mask, I would definitely recommend this one! Has anyone tried it or any of Lush's other face masks? Let me know what you think in the comments below!