Friday, 25 July 2014

100 Happy Days Day 13: Holiday Reminiscing

So I did it again...or rather I didn't. I didn't post my Day 13 yesterday so I'm still behind schedule. But today, I promise I'm going to catch up. Here's Day 13 and Day 14 will be posted later on today! 

It's now been a month since my boyfriend and I left for a week's holiday in Turkey and words cannot describe what I would give to be back there. It was one of the best holidays I have ever been on for so many reasons. We booked our holiday with Jet2Holidays and opted for a last minute deal, meaning we left only 2 or 3 days after booking, which was perfect for me since I'm an incredibly impatient person. To be completely honest, we weren't really that bothered about the quality of the package. We were just keen to get away for a week and experience sun again. However, we were very pleasantly surprised with the holiday. The hotel was amazing; it was absolutely massive and we would have been quite content spending the entire week on the resort as it had everything you could possibly need. There were two big pools (one with flumes), literally hundreds of sun loungers, a gym, a spa, a salon, a tattoo parlour, a shop and more. We spent a little extra on the holiday by choosing to go all inclusive. I was particularly happy about this because I usually find it really hard to eat abroad, something about the heat just messes with my appetite, so I knew I'd be much more likely to eat a good amount if there was always food there for me to pick at. I'm not going to say too much more because I know these posts can get very boring but I will say that I had the most amazing time in Turkey and would happily go back to the very same resort. I will now leave you with a couple of holiday snaps...