Friday, 18 July 2014

100 Happy Days Day 7: Scary Movies and Some Quality Sibling Time

My little brother has been embarrassing me this summer with his extremely busy social schedule that puts my own to shame. It seems that he and his friends have found a new favourite way to spend their nights: watching scary movies. He arrived back from a sleepover yesterday begging me to watch Insidious: Chapter 2 with him since he knew I'd seen the first one and he argued that the second film was a lot better. At first I wasn't too keen. I've always been one of those people who seems to be temporarily traumatised after watching a horror movie. I can't walk anywhere without a light being on, I hate closing my eyes in the shower in case I open them to find that one of the characters has escaped from TV land and come to kill me and I suddenly start to believe that my house is haunted. I think that this irrational fear is partly due to the fact that I watched horror movies at a young age...too young an age. But I was uncontrollably intrigued about Insidious 2 and hoped that after a couple of years being quarantined from all scary movies, I may have gotten over my fear, so I tentatively agreed to watch it.

I don't want to ruin it for anyone but let's just say that the sequel is about a hundred times better and scarier than its predecessor. I'm also happy to report that it doesn't seem to have affected me at all. I've been home alone all day and haven't even given it a second thought. Therefore, horror movies are my new favourite thing but I only like films with a good story, rather than the ones that are merely gory or scary for the sake of it. So if anybody knows of a good ghost story, or any horror movie that is well written, please do let me know! 

P.S. Yes, I think I've conquered my fear but that didn't stop me making my brother camp out in my bedroom last night to protect me from all the big, bad supernatural creatures...


  1. Insidious 1 & 2 are both scary as hell!! But they are great movies!

    1. I couldn't agree more! The story was fantastic in the second one though, I love how it explained things about the first one!

  2. I watched Insidious 1 and wasn't too impressed by it and I have a copy of Insidious 2 since forever but somehow am not motivated to watch it. Your this post just reminded me about it and I might just watch it this weekend!

    1. You definitely should! I thought the second one was so much better and in a way made the first one better too haha. Let me know what you think if you do watch it!
