Tuesday, 29 July 2014

100 Happy Days Day 16: Steak and Chips

Okay, I am aware I am extremely late with this post but the last few days, I have been crazy busy and even when I have finally been free at night, I've been far too tired to even attempt to compose a decent blog post. So here I am, catching up once again and this time I'm not going to make any promises about staying on track because it clearly may not happen. However, I've decided as long as each post does go up at some point (not too long after its scheduled date), I'm doing well. So here we go, three posts coming right up!

Saturday night this week was 'Steak and Chips Night' for my boyfriend and I. I've only actually had steak twice in my life, this being one of those times. I didn't really think I'd like it since I'm not a massive meat eater. Therefore, I avoided steak at all costs for a long time until fairly recently when my mum made it for dinner "as a treat". I was cautious of the meal at first but after one bite I was converted into another steak lover of the world. So I was incredibly excited to have it again this time and it's fair to say that it lived up to my new steak-loving expectations.

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