Sunday, 24 August 2014

100 Happy Days Day 43: Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide

I've been following the wonderful Kayla Itsines on Instagram for a while now and have been marvelling at both her own physique and that of her clients. She often posts pictures of her clients' transformations through using her Bikini Body Guide. Since seeing the first photo, I have been itching to buy it and try for myself. However, there has been the slight matter of the £40 price to own it. But today I finally gave in, after seeing countless people change their lives through using it. 

The workout guide comes in eBook form so I have already uploaded it onto my kindle and had a read through. It looks fantastic but incredibly difficult - just what I need! Unfortunately, I can't get started on it until I have purchased myself a pair of 3-5kg dumbbells but I will follow this up with progress and review posts once I eventually begin. 

Has anyone else tried it? I'd love to hear about your experiences!

100 Happy Days Day 42: Smoothies Galore

So my health kick is still going strong! I've been exercising and eating healthily, apart from the small treat here and there. I've read countless blog posts and articles that advise you to do this as knowing you only have to wait however many days until you get your next treat will encourage you to maintain your healthy diet until that time. So far, it seems to be working for me! However, I am not too concerned about my weight as I have always been one of those people who can eat whatever they want and remain slim. My motivation for healthy eating is to make myself feel healthier, stronger and brighter. Therefore, I probably treat myself more often than most but the majority of my diet is far better than it has been in a long time so I am more than happy.

Today, I can finally call myself the proud owner of one of these beauties!

I have longed for a Breville Blend Active smoothie maker for months now, ever since they started popping up all over the place on YouTube and Bloglovin'. So I finally decided to bite the bullet, tick it off of my Amazon wishlist and order one for myself. I am a massive lover of smoothies so this product is perfect for me. I intend to use it on a daily basis once I return to university as I often struggle to eat breakfast in the morning, meaning I find myself in a silent lecture later on with everyone staring at me while my stomach decides to imitate an erupting volcano. However, I think I will easily manage to get a good, nutritious smoothie down each day, keeping my stomach satisfied until I can manage a full meal.

The blender itself is unbelievably easy to use. It comes with full instructions but they aren't really necessary if you understand the concept of a blender and have a little common sense. For such a small appliance, it is incredibly powerful, turning hard frozen fruit to a smooth drink in a matter of seconds. Best of all, it comes with two bottles so, of course, my boyfriend has already called dibs on the second one for his own use. The bottles are also extremely impressive, they are well made and can be counted on not to open unexpectedly and pour smoothie all over your favourite bag.

After yearning for this product for such a long time, I worried that it would not live up to my expectations. But I can safely say I am more than happy with it and would recommend it to anyone in a second!

Thursday, 21 August 2014

100 Happy Days Day 41: Quality Pet Time

Today, I spent the majority of my time cuddled up next to one of the most cherished members of our family.

This adorable bundle of fluff is called Rosie and she's been a part of my family since I was two years old - that's seventeen years ago! Lasting this long makes her a strong little lady and I'm so happy and proud to be her owner. The photos cut off before you can see, but she actually doesn't have a tail. When she was barely an adult cat, Rosie escaped being run over and killed by less than a second. However, her tail wasn't so lucky and had to be amputated due to the damage caused by the weight of the car. After this near-death experience so early in her life, it's hard to believe that she is now 85 years old in cat years. It's hard to watch her now as she struggles to make her way up and down stairs and often can't jump even half the height she used to reach with ease. However, she still seems happy enough and knowing that she hasn't got long left only makes me want to show my love for her more. It's difficult not knowing if Rosie will only last one more day or another year but I'm so grateful for all the time I have with her. There's nothing better than curling up on the sofa with this beautiful lady and stroking her soft fur as she falls asleep, purring.

This is one of my favourite photographs ever. I am two years old in this picture, meaning Rosie is only a kitten and a very new addition to our family. As you can see, we shared a strong bond from the beginning...I promise we're a lot more loving towards each other than this conveys.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

100 Happy Days Day 40: A Drink Or Two

I hadn't seen one of my best friends for weeks so we decided to drag our boyfriends out of their xboxing slumber and pull them along to our local Wetherspoons for a couple of drinks and a catch up. Since I'm on my health kick at the moment and also simply because alcohol isn't something that appeals to me as much as a lot of people, I only had one or two very low alcohol beverages. It was great to get out of the house for a change, spruce myself up a little and have a long, relaxed chat with friends. Since there's not much more to say on this subject, here's a picture of me, pre-outing.

P.S. I know that the vast majority of my posts at the moment are very short and not particularly skilled but it's purely because of this 100 Happy Days Challenge. It doesn't really leave room for impressive posts but I am excited to finish it and start posting less regularly and more stylishly.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

100 Happy Days Day 39: Blog Meets Twitter

Since I appear to be getting the hang of this blogging lark, I decided to create a twitter solely for the blogging world. I think this will be a great way for me to communicate with other bloggers and I also feel it will be both tidier and easier to keep it separate from my personal twitter. If I'm being honest, the only thing I use my personal twitter for nowadays anyway is to scroll through tweets when I'm bored. I barely ever tweet myself. However, I am vowing to change that on my blogging twitter. I am hoping to regularly tweet and keep my followers updated with my blog...if I have any!

I'll probably get a lot of hate for doing this but click here to visit my page and follow me ;-)

Monday, 18 August 2014

100 Happy Days Day 38: Healthy Eating

Since, it has been over a week since I started eating healthily, I feel I can now say that I am officially on track. Throughout this past week, not a single piece of dairy or junk food has passed my lips and I am reaping the benefits! I feel so much more awake, brighter and happier than I have done in ages. 

The first 7 days were tough and I found myself constantly craving something sugary but I fought through it and I am so glad I did. Since two or three days ago, this craving has completely disappeared. I don't even think about junk food and if I see any around the house I am not the slightest bit phased. Yesterday, my brother got a KFC Krushem' (knowing they were my weakness) and I didn't feel even a tinge of jealousy. I understand that this could be a short phase I am going through and could have more to do with my mood than anything but I am still extremely proud of myself for lasting this long since I have tried and failed to healthy eat too many times to count.

I think one of the best ways of keeping yourself on track is finding new and exciting foods that also happen to carry the label of 'healthy'. I've been scouring blog posts and YouTube videos for healthy yet delicious meals and snacks and it has benefited me greatly. If you follow me on Instagram (@indiamcleodkay) you'll have seen that I am becoming one of those people who posts pictures of their food a lot. I do apologise but it probably won't stop anytime soon. I just feel like it motivates me more and also I get very excited about the new nutritious creations I have discovered and want to share them!

Sunday, 17 August 2014

100 Happy Days Day 37: New Workout Clothes

Back in spring time this year, I was massively into working out and was getting in some form of exercise every single day - whether it be a light walk or a full body workout. However, when I went on holiday to Turkey in June, I decided to give myself a break for the week, which I think most people would do, unless they're hardcore gym fanatics. The only problem with this was I got used to lazing around again and by the time I was back on Scottish soil, I had no energy or enthusiasm for exercise and haven't done since. 

But this week I've really been getting back into it. I've been building myself up slowly, starting with fairly easy workouts and progressing a little each day. I have now written an exercise schedule in 'Notes' on my phone, which I am hoping to stick to for the next few weeks or so before I start making it a little harder. 

This time I am doing all I can to keep motivated and I think one of the best ways to do this is to buy attractive gym wear. So while out shopping today, my Mum treated me to these shorts. Being my first pair of proper workout bottoms, I am hugely excited about them and can't wait to workout again, purely so I can wear them. They are super comfortable to wear and are very stretchy, providing room for lots of movement. Best of all, they were only four pounds from Primark! I would definitely recommend them for all the reasons I have already mentioned, if not for the simple fact that they look extremely cute on.

One thing I would say is try before you buy as I had to go a size up!

Where's your favourite place to buy workout clothes? Any other advice on staying motivated?

Saturday, 16 August 2014

100 Happy Days Day 36: Organisation

When it comes to blogging, organisation has never been my forte. Granted, I only began blogging just over a month ago but it's always been something missing from my blogging experience. I continuously find myself thinking of an idea about what to write about next or in the future and telling myself to remember it. Of course, often this ends in frustration as a few hours later I search every corner of my brain for the missing idea.

Today, I found an old and beautiful notebook that I was given as a gift a few years ago and instantly knew what it was meant for. So from now on I'm going to be much more organised, noting down any idea I have for my blog and also other little things, like to-do lists if they are needed on particularly busy days. I'm one of those people who thrives on lists; if there's something written down, I can't rest until it is ticked off. Therefore, I am sure this will be extremely helpful for all my future blogging adventures.

Friday, 15 August 2014

100 Happy Days Day 35: Getting Paid To Write!

Only yesterday, I received an email through my university advertising a position as a freelance copywriter for a great website called Songkick. The website allows you to track your favourite music artists and venues so you can be notified about their upcoming concerts and click on one of the links provided to purchase tickets. Basically, the job is to write live reviews on the artists that don't already have them and earn a little money in return. If you read my blog often, you'll know that writing is my passion and it is how I wish to make a living when I leave university so, of course, I jumped right on this opportunity to get a taster for it and add some experience to my CV. In order to apply for the position, you were required to write a sample review of a minimum of 200 words, including information about the artist, their career and what it's like to see them live. I immediately wrote about one of my favourite bands, Boyce Avenue, and sent it away to be judged.

Today, I received an email informing me that they had enjoyed reading my sample review and, therefore, would like to bring me on board to write some more. I am to write as many reviews as possible on the artists from the list provided and at the end of the month will be payed £3.33 for every approved review. I've already looked at the list and this job is going to take a lot of research; I will have to watch countless YouTube videos of live performances as I haven't even heard of the majority of the artists on the list. However, I was happy to find that there are a few bands and musicians that are not very well-known but that I have loved for years. So I think we know which ones I shall be kicking things off with!

I understand that this won't seem like a major deal for most people reading this but for me, it's incredible. It's my very first time being paid to write anything and I think it's something that I will be good at and enjoy tremendously. I'm so grateful for the opportunity, no matter what comes of it.

If you haven't already, check out the Songkick website now!

Thursday, 14 August 2014

100 Happy Days Day 34: DIY Lamp

Today, my mum came up with an idea that I wasn't too keen on at first. She brought home a set of fairy lights, which had been reduced to only £1.50 in the B&Q clearance sale, and proceeded to place them in a glass vase to form a "lamp" while my father looked on with worry. But no one was expecting the sheer beauty of it when she finally switched it on as night descended. 

I, for one, think this is absolutely gorgeous. I'm a major fan of DIY items, having traipsed through many of them on Pinterest and other websites. It gives just the right amount of light in our living room - you might say 'mood lighting'. Best of all, it throws up the most incredible shapes and colours onto the wall behind it.

I am in love with this new etherial feature to our living room and can't wait to try out something similar when I move into my flat for university at the end of the month. I saw a lovely white, floral vase in IKEA that I may purchase along with some white or pale pink fairy lights for my bedroom.

Since I was introduced to this new and fantastic way of life, I have also spent a lot of time looking at similar items on Pinterest and have found a few particularly pretty creations.

I think using a wine bottle, filled with potpourri to complete this look is absolutely stunning. It's something I am definitely going to try.

Have you tried out this cheap and easy DIY technique? I'd love to see your creations!

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

100 Happy Days Day 33: Bathtime, Dreamtime

I'm quite a newcomer to the Lush scene but as soon as I set foot in Edinburgh's shop a month ago, like most people, I felt like I had found the answer to all my problems. I was not aware that a shop could smell that good, walking in the door your senses are bombarded with a hundred different scents all mingling to form one incredible aroma.

For this particular heavenly bath, I used the Dreamtime bath melt for "soothed skin and mind". If you haven't tried this yet, you need to. I lay there with the sleep-inducing scents of lavender and chamomile oil wafting around me, never having felt more relaxed. Lavender is one of my favourite scents so this bath melt was perfect for me. Even more wonderful, were the little sprigs of lavender that were left floating in the bath around me when the melt finally dissolved into a creamy sheen in the water.

When I eventually pulled myself out of this tranquility, I was delighted to find that the cocoa butter had worked its magic on my skin, leaving it feeling soft and hydrated. I would recommend this bath melt to everyone, I know I'll be venturing into the Lush store to purchase it again and I'm excited to try the other bath melts they have to offer.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

100 Happy Days Day 32: Living Room Transformation

Today, my family and I got an incredibly exciting delivery from good old DFS. Our now previous sofa suite had been a member of our family for over ten years and it had served us well. However, we decided it was time for a replacement. The last suite was a brown leather sofa that would fit two or three people and a matching arm chair. I'm happy to say we have taken a detour from leather for the moment and opted for an unbelievably soft material suite.

We now have a gorgeous corner sofa, which can fit two people LYING DOWN at right angles to each other or at least four people sitting comfortably.

And an armchair, which can act as a giant's throne for one or a love-seat for two. 

The pictures don't really give you a good idea of the size but let's just say they are MASSIVE. I couldn't believe it when I walked into my living room this morning and found the abundance of furniture. Apparently, the delivery people had an extreme workout, trying to get the items into our home. I don't think any of us knew how big it would be as we ordered online and, like I said, photos do not do these bad boys justice. I shan't be leaving the corner space I have claimed as my own on the sofa for a long, long time.

Monday, 11 August 2014

100 Happy Days Day 31: Childhood Discoveries

Today, when clearing out a disused room upstairs that had really just become a dumping ground for all unused items in the house, I found my old Playstation 1. I remember being given this as a present for Christmas one year in the distant past and being elated. At the time, we must have sat their thinking "wow, the graphics are amazing" and now...not so much. I sat for hours playing Rayman, which was my favourite game when I was younger and I was happy to find that I still love it. Retro platform games are my favourite. I love finding old favourites like this around the house and falling in love with them all over again. I have no doubt that I will spend the next week or so becoming obsessed with this game again before it returns to its hiding place somewhere in the house, only to be discovered again in a few years time.

100 Happy Days Day 30: IKEA

Today, my Mum and I took a trip through to the capital city to visit IKEA. Yes, I'm one of those freaks who gets ridiculously excited to roam around this shop. I could honestly buy the entire shop if I had the dosh. I think it would be amazing to have an incredible budget and just take a trip to IKEA to refurnish your entire home. Unfortunately, at the moment I do not possess the means to do so. We merely looked around and got a few ideas for little bits and bobs we want to do around the house but it's little things like this that make me happy so I enjoyed myself.

100 Happy Days Day 29: Vitamin Rush

So recently I've been feeling pretty down about myself. My acne is really getting to me, I seem to get the common cold far more often than is normal, I constantly feel tired and I've had to battle with myself not to spend all my time locked up in my bedroom. After watching endless YouTube videos and reading countless blog posts about all of these things, I've realised that I can make more effort to try and change them. All of these aspects of my mood can be altered for the better by one thing: getting healthy! Therefore, I am now on a major health kick. I'm cleaning my diet up, drinking plenty of water and am gearing up to incorporate far more exercise into my daily routine. 

Additionally, I have invested in vitamins! I've always been skeptical of those tiny little pills but after properly researching, I can now see that they could make a big difference to my life. I opted for the cheaper versions since there seems to be no definitive answer online concerning whether there is a difference between cheap and high-end vitamins. Can anyone tell me from experience?

I chose to buy Cod Liver Oil, a Multi-Vitamin and Garlic Extract as these seemed to have the best benefits for me.

Cod Liver Oil is said to contribute to the maintenance of bones, teeth and normal vision as well as the normal function of the immune system and muscles. I've also seen it mentioned in tonnes of videos and blog posts as a means of promoting healthy, shiny hair, which is perfect for me right now since I'm trying to grow my hair out but I want to keep it as healthy as possible at the same time.

Multi Vitamins and Iron also claim to contribute to the normal function of the immune system as well as the reduction of tiredness and fatigue. I clearly need some of this in my life!

Odourless Garlic Extract is also supposedly excellent for creating and maintaining overall health but it is also a naturally powerful antibiotic, protecting the body against all types of bacterial and viral attacks.

Let's hope I can maintain this new health kick and it makes a real difference!

100 Happy Days Day 28: Rainy Day Strolls

Today, my family and I drove for about an hour to a lovely village, surrounded by fields and trees, in order to go on a longer walk. It was cold and the sky couldn't seem to decide whether it wanted to rain or not, opting for 5-10 minutes on one before swapping to the other, continuously. However, I love walking in this sort of weather, I much prefer it to being out in the sweltering heat. The walk was absolutely beautiful and, despite the weather, the loch was gorgeous and peaceful. We even came across a herd of cows, roaming around on the path and had to cautiously edge past them. Every time I go walking, even if I didn't feel up for it to begin with, I absolutely love it. It's great to go on a walk with my family now that my brother is older and doesn't feel the need to stop every five minutes to climb a tree or shoot at us with his toy gun.

The terrain was...let's just say difficult to times. The path disappeared for a while and we were carefully trying to balance our way along the side of a ditch that was overgrown with grass and other plants. Not being the most graceful of people at times, I ended up slipping and face planting the mud. This wet and muddy situation was the result...

Sunday, 10 August 2014

The Liebster Award!

I can't believe how lucky I am to have been nominated for the Liebster Award for a third time. I didn't post about it the second time as I wasn't sure if you are allowed to take part more than once but after reading posts from many other people I have found you can. First of all, I have to say a massive thank you to Lottie Trip for my nomination, it really does mean a lot to me...probably more than it should!

So here are the rules: 

Thank the person who nominated you

Answer the questions they have set you in their blog post

Nominate 5-11 blogs that have less than 1000 followers and make 11 questions for them

Comment on a recent post of theirs so that they know they are nominated!

My answers:

1. Where are you from? I am from Fife, which is a small region of Scotland.
2. What is your favourite place in the world? I hope one day to be able to say I've travelled all over the world and possibly have a more interesting answer to this question but for now, my favourite place would have to be Crete in Greece. I went there with my family when I was younger and just thought it was one of the most beautiful places I'd ever been to. I hope to visit it again soon.
3. What is your favourite part of blogging? My favourite part of blogging would have to be reading the lovely comments I am sometimes lucky enough to receive. I love to write and getting any form of recognition for it is amazing.
4. What is your dream career? Stupidly, I've always wanted to act and be a part of a television programme where the entire cast seem to be best friends. But since I have no self-confidence I don't think this will ever happen haha! I would still love to be involved in film or television in some way or another...perhaps writing or producing.
5. Dresses or trousers? I'm a trousers girl. Always have been and probably always will be!
6. How would you best describe your style? To be honest, I'm not sure I really have one. I just sort of buy what I like and attempt to put items together into some form of outfit later on.
7. What is your favourite high street brand? I'm a major Primark lover.
8. What would be your dream item to own one day? A Canon camera. I haven't had my own camera in over a year and I miss it like crazy. I would love to have a really good one so I can improve the quality of my blog posts and also just save lots of memories and pretty pictures.
9. Who is your favourite well-known blogger? Zoella
10. How would you best describe your blog? A lifestyle blog with a few bits of beauty and fashion thrown in.
11. What is your must-have beauty item? Tweezers/my own personal beauty therapist - I hate messy eyebrows!

The Nominees:

My Questions:

1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
2. What's your favourite film?
3. What's your favourite TV programme?
4. What's your favourite way to spend a rainy day?
5. If your house set on fire, what one thing would you save?
6. Do you like films or books better?
7. If you won 1 million pounds, what would you do with it?
8. All dolled up or casual and messy?
9. Who is your inspiration?
10. What's the best concert you've ever been to?
11. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose?

I hope my answers have given you a bit more insight into my nonsensical mind and I can't wait to read the responses from my nominees, be sure to leave me a link so I can go and check it out!

100 Happy Days Day 27: Thunder Storm

On our journey home from visiting our friends in England, I think it's fair to say the heavens well and truly opened upon us. I would not have liked to have been the one driving us home, since visibility was definitely not what it should be. By the time we made it home and under the covers with a hot chocolate the rain sounded like it was going to smash right through the window and the thunder was booming on the other side of the glass. You may ask why I'm writing about this under the heading "100 Happy Days". Well, I'll confess. I love thunderstorms! There's something so exciting and also comforting about being inside in the warm with loved ones when all hell is breaking loose outside. To make it even better, it was a massive relief to finally have some rain and a little shiver for the first time in weeks due to the crazy heat we've been experiencing in Britain this Summer.

100 Happy Days Day 26: A Trip Into The Past

Since the day we decided to visit our friends down South, we had planned this day out. We visited the open air museum of Beamish, which "tells the story of life in North East England during the 1820s, 1900s and 1940s". The museum is made up of 300 acres of countryside and has a town, railway station, pit village, 1940s farm and more. The people working and volunteering here are dressed in Victorian-era styled clothing and will talk to you as though you are part of the town in the 1800s. 

To get around the museum, you can either walk or take a tram like this one.

We took the tram to the town first, where you can enter the various shops and find them just as they would have been in the 19th century. We popped into the pub to get a ginger beer each before looking around the houses, again made to look just like homes from long ago. 

These pictures certainly do not do them justice but I think these were two of my favourite rooms to explore. I find the first one both beautiful and terrifying, since it reminds me of a horror film and I found myself, the entire time, waiting for a creepy 'little-girl-ghost' to jump out at me. The kitchen was incredibly warm and homey and there were fresh, homemade scones to try. 

After exploring the houses, we took another tram down to the pit village, where the miners and their families would have lived. 
Again, we were able to take a look around the houses, which were a lot smaller and quainter than the town homes. There was also a school to explore, with a man dressed as a teacher heading up a classroom, and old playground games to try in the courtyard.

I had an amazing time at this museum and would urge anyone who has the means to to go and take a look for themselves. It really is incredible and I hope to visit it again as much as possible throughout my lifetime as they are constantly adding new attractions.