Monday, 11 August 2014

100 Happy Days Day 29: Vitamin Rush

So recently I've been feeling pretty down about myself. My acne is really getting to me, I seem to get the common cold far more often than is normal, I constantly feel tired and I've had to battle with myself not to spend all my time locked up in my bedroom. After watching endless YouTube videos and reading countless blog posts about all of these things, I've realised that I can make more effort to try and change them. All of these aspects of my mood can be altered for the better by one thing: getting healthy! Therefore, I am now on a major health kick. I'm cleaning my diet up, drinking plenty of water and am gearing up to incorporate far more exercise into my daily routine. 

Additionally, I have invested in vitamins! I've always been skeptical of those tiny little pills but after properly researching, I can now see that they could make a big difference to my life. I opted for the cheaper versions since there seems to be no definitive answer online concerning whether there is a difference between cheap and high-end vitamins. Can anyone tell me from experience?

I chose to buy Cod Liver Oil, a Multi-Vitamin and Garlic Extract as these seemed to have the best benefits for me.

Cod Liver Oil is said to contribute to the maintenance of bones, teeth and normal vision as well as the normal function of the immune system and muscles. I've also seen it mentioned in tonnes of videos and blog posts as a means of promoting healthy, shiny hair, which is perfect for me right now since I'm trying to grow my hair out but I want to keep it as healthy as possible at the same time.

Multi Vitamins and Iron also claim to contribute to the normal function of the immune system as well as the reduction of tiredness and fatigue. I clearly need some of this in my life!

Odourless Garlic Extract is also supposedly excellent for creating and maintaining overall health but it is also a naturally powerful antibiotic, protecting the body against all types of bacterial and viral attacks.

Let's hope I can maintain this new health kick and it makes a real difference!


  1. Hiya,

    I've been reading your 100 happy days posts and I think they're fab - also, what a great idea to try and find a positive every day :) I must be taking a lot of time but I'm really enjoying reading them :) keep it up! xxx

    1. Hey, awww thank you so much! It's so nice to here things like that :) xxx
