Wednesday, 13 August 2014

100 Happy Days Day 33: Bathtime, Dreamtime

I'm quite a newcomer to the Lush scene but as soon as I set foot in Edinburgh's shop a month ago, like most people, I felt like I had found the answer to all my problems. I was not aware that a shop could smell that good, walking in the door your senses are bombarded with a hundred different scents all mingling to form one incredible aroma.

For this particular heavenly bath, I used the Dreamtime bath melt for "soothed skin and mind". If you haven't tried this yet, you need to. I lay there with the sleep-inducing scents of lavender and chamomile oil wafting around me, never having felt more relaxed. Lavender is one of my favourite scents so this bath melt was perfect for me. Even more wonderful, were the little sprigs of lavender that were left floating in the bath around me when the melt finally dissolved into a creamy sheen in the water.

When I eventually pulled myself out of this tranquility, I was delighted to find that the cocoa butter had worked its magic on my skin, leaving it feeling soft and hydrated. I would recommend this bath melt to everyone, I know I'll be venturing into the Lush store to purchase it again and I'm excited to try the other bath melts they have to offer.


  1. I'm also a newcomer to lush! You have sold this to me Xx

  2. It looks so lovely,will definitely have to try it next time I go to lush! I love the shampoo and conditioner solids that they sell! xx

    1. You definitely should, I'm in love with it! I've never tried them!xx

  3. You had me at lavender...

