Monday, 18 August 2014

100 Happy Days Day 38: Healthy Eating

Since, it has been over a week since I started eating healthily, I feel I can now say that I am officially on track. Throughout this past week, not a single piece of dairy or junk food has passed my lips and I am reaping the benefits! I feel so much more awake, brighter and happier than I have done in ages. 

The first 7 days were tough and I found myself constantly craving something sugary but I fought through it and I am so glad I did. Since two or three days ago, this craving has completely disappeared. I don't even think about junk food and if I see any around the house I am not the slightest bit phased. Yesterday, my brother got a KFC Krushem' (knowing they were my weakness) and I didn't feel even a tinge of jealousy. I understand that this could be a short phase I am going through and could have more to do with my mood than anything but I am still extremely proud of myself for lasting this long since I have tried and failed to healthy eat too many times to count.

I think one of the best ways of keeping yourself on track is finding new and exciting foods that also happen to carry the label of 'healthy'. I've been scouring blog posts and YouTube videos for healthy yet delicious meals and snacks and it has benefited me greatly. If you follow me on Instagram (@indiamcleodkay) you'll have seen that I am becoming one of those people who posts pictures of their food a lot. I do apologise but it probably won't stop anytime soon. I just feel like it motivates me more and also I get very excited about the new nutritious creations I have discovered and want to share them!


  1. I love junk food and it's the one bad habit that I have repeatedly failed to break. Much respect that you have so much self discipline to not eat junk food, wish I am as strong.

    Reflection of Sanity

  2. You're doing well :) Just keep at it! I tried the peanut butter banana pieces they're so good when you need that sugar rush. Hope the rest goes well! :)

    1. Thank you! I couldn't agree more, they're a perfect post-workout snack! :) xx
